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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fast Healthy Weight Loss - Time Your Nutrition and Reduce Your Exercise Time to Lose Better

I want to share two fast healthy weight loss strategies that you can use to speed up your weight loss journey. By learning how to time your nutrition intake during the day and making your exercise more of a fat burner you can save yourself a lot of time, energy and frustration. If you would like to learn more then I encourage you to take the next 2 minutes to read on.

Fast healthy weight loss

1. Nutritional Timing. Your body goes through cycles during the day. Sometimes your energy is up and sometimes it is naturally down. Nutritional timing helps you lose weight by helping you work with these natural energy swings.

For this article we will focus on how carbohydrate timing can affect your weight. Carbohydrates are high energy foods, they break down quickly in your body so your body loves to have them when it needs energy, this is typically early in the day and right after physical activity. However when your body's energy needs are low and you eat carbohydrates you are likely to convert them to fat simply because they cannot be used.

Start to shift your carb intake to early in the day and then avoid them in the evening and you will see fast results on the scale.

2. Exercise in half the time. It used to be thought that long steady paced exercise was the way to burn fat but new research has proven that intensity trumps time when looking at fast fat loss. Instead of spending an hour on the treadmill going at a steady pace, vary your intensity. Take one minute every couple of minutes to increase your pace to a high effort level where you are working at near maximum effort. This back and forth pace/effort stimulates your fat burning metabolism and can keep your body burning fat for the next 24 hours.

These strategies for fast healthy weight loss will help you lose better, give them a try or follow the links below for even more great strategies.

For More Related Topics Blog: Acai Weight Loss

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